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Share Your Experience

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Share Your Experience

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Share Your Experience

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Share Your Experience


Help Others by Sharing Your Industry Experience

If you have first-hand work experience helping people navigate major life events we’d love to share your knowledge and advice with the world.

If we publish your story we’ll pay you:

(or your favorite charity)



for sharing your experience in

writing with pic


for sharing your experience in
writing with photo



for a published story with
video interview

3 ways to share your industry experience and advice:


If you’d like to share your experience but need to stay anonymous we understand. While we’ll need to know your identity so we can verify your work experience, your story will display as being submitted anonymously.


Our default way of identifying someone sharing an experience on Knowerly. We’ll use your first name and last initial of your last name.


Looking for clients? Share your experience with prospective clients while they’re actively researching the life event you help people navigate professionally. Starting at just $5 per month, your story will include links to a professional profile with your contact info, service offerings and more.

Here’s a few of the industry insider stories we’re currently seeking:

A full list is available here. Don’t see what you’d like to share? Contact us here.

  • Cosmetic surgery
  • Drug or alcohol rehabilitation
  • Fertility treatments
  • Medical tourism
  • Navigating Medicare or Medicaid
Senior Care
  • Helping family review assisted living options
  • Home health care options
  • Memory care facilities
  • Nursing home selection
  • Navigating hospice care
Real Estate
  • Buying or selling a home
  • Buying or navigating a short sale or foreclosure
  • Remodeling a home
  • Purchasing a timeshare or vacation home
  • Recovering from major home damage
  • Adoption
  • Bankruptcy or divorce
  • DUI or DWI
  • Legal defense of criminal charges
  • Social security disability
  • Tax problems

Interested in sharing your experience?

The following sections contain everything you’ll need to prepare and submit your story.

What makes a great industry insider story?

  • A great industry insider experience focuses on sharing the key pieces of practical knowledge you’ve learned while working in the industry that would be helpful for people to know. What are the most common mistakes you’ve seen? What are the most important decisions people are faced with? What advice can you share?
  • We don’t allow service provider reviews or specific company names to be mentioned on Knowerly, so please focus your story on what you’ve learned from your work experience that you feel would be helpful to people.
  • Remember, we only publish industry insider stories we can verify are based on real first-hand experience. If we decide to publish your story we’ll work with you to verify the authenticity of your work experience. Don’t worry; this won’t take much time.

What you should include in your written experience

  • We prefer written experiences to be between 500 and 800 words. If you have a longer story to share, reach out to us and we’ll work with you.
  • Please break your story down into the following 4 sections:
    1. Your experience
      • Explain briefly your experience and role in the industry. This should be the shortest part of your story
    2. The most common mistakes and issues you see
      • What are the major decisions you see people face?
      • What are the most confusing or frustrating elements of the experience that you see people face?
      • What we’re looking for here is the good, the bad, the mistakes, and the surprises you’ve seen people encounter along the way.
    3. What “off the wall” things have you seen?
      • Have you witnessed any less than common outcomes (good or bad), or unique issues that you feel may be helpful for people?
    4. Most importantly, what advice would you give others based on your industry experience?
      • Focus on practical advice and tips that will be truly useful.
  • We accept the following file types: Microsoft Word (doc, docx), PDF, Plain Text (txt) and Rich Text (rtf). The maximum file size is 2MB.
You can submit your story using the form below. If we determine your story is a good addition to our database, one of our editors will be in contact to start the editing and verification process, and to arrange for your payment. We try to reply to all submissions within 5 business days.

What happens after you submit your story?

  1. We’ll review your story to determine if it meets our guidelines and compliments our database of industry insider experiences. After this review is complete we’ll send you an email letting you know if we can publish your story or not. You should hear from us in about 5 business days.
  2. After we decide to publish your story, your editor will work with you to edit it, and will usually ask you to spend a little more time explaining a few items, or to include something that was missed in our guidelines. This process typically doesn’t take long on your part.
  3. Once that’s done, your editor will work with you to verify the authenticity of your work experience. This is accomplished by having you verify your identity and providing some kind of documentation that proves you have the industry experience you’ve shared. Most of the time this is an easy process where you can email us a picture or scan of a document with any confidential information blacked out. This documentation is only used internally to verify your work experience; it’s important for us that our audience can trust what they’re reading on our website and that people have the experience necessary to be able to offer advice. If you’re uncomfortable please contact us for more info or don’t submit your story.
  4. After the verification process is complete we’ll publish your story and send $100 to $250 to you based on the story type you’ve shared. You’ll be notified once your story has been posted to

Frequently Asked Questions

Why are you willing to pay for my industry experience?

We’re willing to pay for the industry insider stories we publish because it allows us to grow our database faster, while also attracting a diverse range of real experiences for our audience to learn from.

How likely is it that you’ll choose to publish my story (and pay me)?

We try to publish the majority of experiences that are submitted and meet the guidelines we outline in the sections above. However, our primary goal is to grow the overall real-world wisdom and range of experiences in our database. If we already have several experiences similar to yours we may decide against publishing your story. If you’d like to see if we’re interested without submitting your full experience, please send us a summary of the story you’d like to share and we’ll let you know if we’re likely to publish it. You can use the form below to send the summary.

How long will it take to know if you have decided to publish my story?

We try to respond to all submissions within 5 business days. If we decide to publish your story, one of our editors will be in touch to start the verification process and to work with you to edit and finalize your story. We will also notify you if we decide against publishing your story.

How will my story be shared?

Your full story will only be published on our website. We may also share small excerpts of your story on our social media accounts and in media stories about Knowerly.

Will you show my full name on my story?

Only if you want to share your industry insider experience as a professional, with an accompanying profile (which is a paid service we offer). You can also share your story anonymously on our website as long as we can verify your identity and work experience.

How does the video interview work?

After we’ve decided to publish your story we’ll let you know if we think it’d be a good fit for a video interview. If you’re interested, just let us know and we’ll work with you to complete the video interview and you’ll be compensated an additional $250.

What if I have industry experience that I’d like to share that isn’t on your list?

Send us an email outlining the industry and experience you’d like to share and we’ll be in touch in 5 business days or less. You can contact us here or use the form below.

Where can I see the full list of experiences you're looking for?

A full list of the experiences (and the industries they’re in) is available here.

Submit Your Story


